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Match Report - David Munns Style

Match Report - David Munns Style

Mike Brown10 Sep 2023 - 16:28
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Photo Credit - Tony Burgum

Billingham RUFC 1st team squad​​09/09/2023​ ​Tynedale R F C
What’s going on ? – Marvin Gaye – 1971
After last week’s plaudits but no points it’s back to Greenwood road this week for another milestone, the first home game in National 2. I usually gauge the expected attendance by where I park on Greenwood road and the signs are good as it’s quite stretch of the legs but unusually I have time in hand. It’s a buzzing extended club house with DJ Revell on the wheels of steel, well it’s actually his phone but tunes are pumping out. 1st’s and 2nd’s at home today so there’s a choice of action, view point, lots of catch ups and various raffle action. After last week’s report which I can only put down to being written while giddy from the away bus this, I’ll try and be concise but pack as much in as possible. Weather – scorchio.
The mount is populated on arrival as both teams warm up in the sun, the 2nd’s out in the traditional green and white for a 2:00 kick off on the side pitch as Tynedale make a slow walk to the water then off to the changing rooms. Lots of milestones today for the squad and the club as a whole and it is only fitting that Dan Burns appears first on to the AGP to gain his 250 appearance, closely followed by Luke Wilson gaining his 200 appearance. It’s a great day for both players and family members, who contribute a massive amount to the club in so many ways not just on the pitch but with organization, pruning, lively chat and junior coaching. It’s also the first appearance of the new home strip which is White with thin green hoops, a little bit like a mint viennetta but resplendent in the glorious sunshine. Tynedale jog out in Blue and white hoops joined by the officials in a garish orange likened to an early holiday sunburn by the mount faithful.
Tynedale kick off towards the club house with completed extension and fire escape and Dan Burns captures cleanly. It’s quickly exchanged as Tynedale look eager at the breakdown, followed by a chip over the top and a knock on but an early statement of intent from the seasoned visitors. It’s a steady first scrum as Billingham look to move wide early to the flyers on the wing, high tackle. It’s interesting to see how the world cup will impact to structure and interpretation of the laws, luckily Billingham have opted to place a green hoop on the new strip just about the tackle height, your welcome. Obviously jumping up a league means that the opposition packs are a little bit bigger or massive like last week, so they do the majority of the work and it’s not surprising that Tynedale use the big lads to drive the ball up and look to overload in the middle. Billingham are forced into defensive work across the pitch with Tynedale looking to pressure and utilise the catch and drive at the line out. Tynedale have several bites at the try pie but loose handling and penalties give Billingham respites until Uncle Mo decides to give Billingham a platform. It’s a clean line out from Billingham and the ball is moved quickly, it’s a nudge and chase which Tynedale retrieve but knock on trying to exit. Scrum steady followed by an infringement allows a quick tap as Billingham look to grasp the chance, Tynedale cover well but it’s a Burns brake up the middle and he’s in a gap but makes sure as he posts strong support runner Peter Youll over the line. Unconverted it’s the first home points of the season for 5 – 0.
Tynedale go long at the kick off and Burns collects as Billingham exit immediately via the boot. Tynedale line out is clean and they look to overload forwards away from the breakdown as they run the phases, temporarily halted by Luke Wilson tackle. Tynedale knock on and a steady scrum allows Billingham to break up the stand side, a couple of round the corner attempts are contained as Billingham look to switch quickly with a cross filed kick that bounces out. Tynedale are strong at the set piece and they take the advantage with a series of mini breaks and penalties that seem them knocking on the door again. Billingham steal the ball but the forced exit from the try area gives a line out in a good position. Hold on its back for a scrum close, Tynedale look to push then check up the middle as Billingham defend in numbers as Tynedale find the overlap out wide to open their account. It’s a well struck conversion from wide as the scoreboard moves to 5 – 7 and a water break is taken, yes its scorchio.
Billingham kick off and look to retrieve but it bobbles out of hands and it’s a infringement at the breakdown. Tynedale look to use the line out as a platform but it’s a turnover and alarm bells ring as Billingham go inside the 22, Tynedale cover and scramble an exit, chance gone. Tynedale pick the line out off and move to the middle as the centre gets free and the support runs the try in from distance into the corner. Unconverted the scoreboard moves to 5 -12 as the visitors find their stride.
Billingham kick off and Tynedale knock on but look to be getting the upper hand in the scrum as they get the nudge then stretch the defence again as the 10 looks lively, he has support runners which he befuddles by going inside then outside allowing Billingham to cover. Tynedale too eager into the break down allowing a penalty to clear but are straight back with a line out steal and then a quick along the line with a loose pass that’s sees another chance go begging. Billingham retain a little bit of posetion as both teams look for chances midfield and Tynedale close the wide channels down and force the flyers into touch. It’s a not straight by Tynedale at the line out but they steal at the next breakdown and it’s a chase for the chip over the top, Elliott sweeping up and switching the runner as Peter E pops a kick well up field for a 50:20. It’s a good platform for the home side as a strong run from Ryan Kirkbride goes close It’s a couple of knock on’s as Billingham stay within reach of the line and another water break is instigated by Tynedale. Refreshed we are back to finding that elusive gap with Mike Walton driving in, it’s over the gain but still work to do as another penalty intervenes and a quick tap with Sam Heron doing what scrum half’s do sneaking into bag the try near to the posts so makes his own kick easier. It sails over the posts the half ends with a text book catch taken caerphilly by Will just behind the mount. (name underlined as requested) Half time and its all square with loads of talking points and a massive effort.
8th of September marks the anniversary of the first episode of Reggie Perrin but I didn’t get where I am today reporting on 1970’s television series so we take stock and I have a water break. There’s a good crowd on the mount and alongside the seconds game which continues at pace, great to have a double header as it develops the squad which in turn develops the club. Nice to hear that supporters read the match report but really sorry that it took a whole day last week plus for those trying to get the autograph of the cool looking guy on the Look North report I’m sure it was Mr Brown in the background.
It’s Billingham in white and green kicking towards the club house to start the second half and it’s a long one so its belted back quickly. Tynedale open the half strongly but its Billingham with the first chance with turnover and a kick over the top to turn the defence around, too much on it and it rolls over the dead ball line. It’s a slow wander back for the scrum and its Tynedale’s turn to move up the pitch with a chip and retrieve they have numbers but look to knock on in the tackle but it’s lost/knocked on as they go over the line so it’s a drop out from Billingham. Exchanges midfield from both teams as Billingham look to release a bit of pace from Joe Ross but they must have seen the footage last week as he’s closely marked. Looks like the chip over the defense is well fancied as the passes get loose and knock-on’s regularly appear. Tynedale still look dangerous up the middle and it’s the 10 unlocking the defence with a couple of steps and then releases the runner to open the 2nd half scoring, unconverted 12 – 17 to the visitors.
Billingham kick off, bounce and out as the play continues to ebb and flow between the teams. Tynedale still look busy and opt for the rolling maul from the line out which is halted so kicks are exchanged, Tynedale put in the phases and a nudge through rolls into touch. Water break time and everyone asks how is time getting on given there is no clock at the club house end, the suggestion is raised that Gav indicates using his arms bit like Mickey Mouse. It’s a front take at the line out and boot to ball to put Tynedale deep, however after a couple of phases it’s a chip and retrieve up the middle releasing a runner. Luckily it’s a Sam Heron ankle grab before he goes clear and then a forward pass as the move breaks down. A solid scrum and Billingham set off as its Joe Ross down one wing then the switch across to draw the cover, then switch and there’s an overlap as up steps Louis Groak with work to do. Burners on he runs in at the club house end but leaves a tricky angle for the conversion, we’re all even again at 17 – 17.
Tynedale kick off as the next score may be pivotal, back into the fray it’s a Burns collect then strong runs from Ben Walton and Anth Jackson to brake out, it’s an exchange of kicks as Tynedale put the ball straight out. Billingham get a hand tap to the line out which bounces around but Peter Evans cleans up. It’s a little gap and it’s Spoor’s at full pelt up the middle, knock on. Scrum down steady then a loose pass which hands the advantage back to Billingham and it’s a free ball as the hand goes up. No advantage from the kick pass and the tango man flashes yellow as a Tynedale player exchanges viewpoints with the packed clubhouse. Billingham opt for the posts which sails wide, is that their chance? Tynedale drop out and Peter E returns the high bomb as phases are exchanged as both squads continue to work their socks off in the heat. Tynedale work the ball up the pitch aided by a penalty and their clean line out ball. It’s an infringement and a penalty to Billingham near halfway, as the water bottles come on so does the kicking tee. It’s a clean thump as the ball flies towards the club house and flags aloft as Billingham nudge ahead 20 -17.
Even without Gav’s arms there’s still time as Tynedale kick off and its Mike W to collect this time, Ryan K pounding up the middle as Billingham look to control and perhaps create a further chance. Tynedale counter up the middle again and Billingham go over to kill the ball central inside their own half, so it’s their turn to bother the sticks. Just wide but it’s still to play for as Billingham drop out with Peter E going as long as he can. Tynedale look for a measured response and work the ball into the Billingham half before it’s knocked on. It’s a quick check of the time with the officials before the put in and despite the pressure the ball is out and is punted towards Greenwood road to end the match.
Massive effort from both squads in tough conditions, global warming means lots of sweaty bodies that greet the family and well wishers lining the pitch as the DJ gets the party started. Club house open, new strip used, appearances celebrated and points bagged, didn’t win the raffle but who cares? It’s going to be a season to get points where we can, if we have to kick them to keep the board ticking over then so be it. Lots to build on, we don’t stand still , we continue to build. Let’s keep that atmos going even though we can’t guarantee the weather, everyone welcome get yourself down and support your local family club.
A little reminder that the bus for Fylde is filling up quick get your seat request in pronto. I’m missing for a couple of weeks so no rambling and you get your Monday mornings back, no need to thank me.
No time this week for – Superstar DJ here we go, pass the cactus, how old is Mick Jagger?, full time squirrel botherer, water break, Victorian smog, I don’t have favorites just can’t remember all the names, you don’t see many drop goals these days and he looks smaller on the telly.
“To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.” Tony Dorset
An innocent bystander.​
Further reading